Thursday 28 January 2016

Ancillary Tasks: Evaluation

How successful is the combination of our ancillary tasks?

I think that our ancillary tasks (the album covers, insides and magazine poster) work very effectively together. 

In order to created them we took shots from the performance scenes of our music video. This meant that they would all have the same levels of lighting and colour as well as all being against a black background so they didn't look to colourful, and so they seemed more like they would have been designed for an indie rock band who stereotypically use darker colours and black and white. This also meant that we would not need to reshoot to get images for our digipack, making our post-production process much quicker. We also decided to use the same image from the front cover of our album case on our magazine advert; as it was made to promote the album it made sense to link them together with the same image. This also conformed to what we found when researching album covers and adverts, as nearly all of the posters we found matched their corresponding album cover.

Where did we get our inspiration from?

When doing our research we found certain aspects of the magazine adverts which we looked at particularly important to include in our own digipack. For example, we found with all of the tour posters that the name of the band was always the biggest piece of text on the poster and it was also always at the top or in the centre of the advert, we found a similar trend on the album covers, so we made sure to include this in our digipack, using the font which The Jacques always show their band name in. 

As well as this, the inside front cover is strongly similar to the front cover of one of the Arctic Monkeys' CDs.
The inside front cover of our digipack.
One of the album covers of the Arctic Monkeys.

We particularly liked how simple the design of this album cover was and we decided to try and create something similar in our digipack. We also incorporated their use of a plain black background with white over it in all of the other parts of our digipack by using our performance shots with a black background and using white text over the top. 

How is our digipack suited to the band The Jacques?

After making our digipack, we feel that it is a good representation of our band The Jacques. It conforms to the conventions of their genre, indie rock, by using darker colours with a black background and white text. We also used a close up shot of the actress representing the lead singer of the band on both the front cover of the album and the magazine advert. This meant that we were promoting the band, by using the people who represented them as the main focus of our digipack, as well as making the album and the poster go together well. The Jacques have an existing album cover which also has a photograph of children on it, so we felt that this would make our album cover look more like it would be an actual album cover of theirs as it has a similar image.

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